Seattle Custom Architectural Design

Bertschi School


DeForest Architects was asked by the Bertschi School ‘Learning Spaces’ Committee to collaborate on the design for a new classroom prototype. The committee was interested in idea that the classroom environment can play a significant role in student learning and how the classroom prototype could support their school’s mission.


Future Learning Pilot Project

DA worked with the small group to identify the goals for the new classroom prototype. With these guidelines, DA designed a model classroom and kit of parts that could be adapted to any existing classroom at Bertschi, incorporated into future structures and potentially other schools around the country.

Classroom components

Classroom components

Classroom palette

Classroom palette

Classroom model
Classroom model

 Project Team

DeForest Architects Seattle Studio | John DeForest AIA, Meredith Kelly, Freya Johnson
Bertschi Learning Spaces Committee | Brigitte Bertschi, Mattie Iverson
Categories | Public & Commercial