Roosevelt DADU


Detached Accessory Dwelling Units (DADUs) are growing in popularity as a way to add living space and density in cities while providing flexibility over time. This 635 sf 1-bedroom structure shares a courtyard with the primary residence and preserves an off-street parking space off the alley. The space can be a rental unit, a guest house or just a backyard getaway.


Built-in Flexibility

Custom storage shelves connect the two floors while helping make the most of a small space.

Built-In Flexibility
Making the most of a small space
Making the most of small places
Roosevelt DADU sketch
Roosevelt finished product

 Project Team

DeForest Architects Seattle Studio | John DeForest AIA, Freya Johnson
Contractor | D.L. Rees Contracting, LLC
Structural | Evergreen Design Company
Categories | City Living



The Quincho

An indoor-outoor pavilion and modern cottage, the Quincho is designed for entertaining and a place to stay for visiting family and friends.
